‘Exploring Sustainable Fashion' is back at Milan Fashion&Jewels: the space created in collaboration with SFASHION-NET

Milano Fashion&Jewels

14* - 17 September 2024
(*Saturday by invitation only)

fieramilano, Rho


‘Exploring Sustainable Fashion' is back at Milan Fashion&Jewels: the space created in collaboration with SFASHION-NET

Guya Manzoni and Marina Savarese, founders of Sfashion-net told us their thoughts and offered a preview of what we will find at the event from 14 to 17 September 2024.

Sustainability: an increasingly fundamental topic. How do you deal with it and what suggestions do you have for companies?


Talking about sustainability in fashion is no longer something rare. Fortunately, but also unfortunately. This is because, in many cases, its topics are approached superficially, with approximation, often only considering the subject from one point of view, and forgetting its many facets and complexities.


What we, as Sfashion-net, wanted to start talking about during the February edition of MFJ, were precisely these aspects that make up the macro-collection of elements known as 'sustainability', which encompasses numerous concepts that we often struggle to get across. 


The explanatory area, followed by the display area, has enabled us to try and match each concept with a practical case in point, using the virtuous example of some selected companies in our network, which talk about these topics simply by putting them into practice. 


A modus operandi that we recommend everyone adopt: not expecting to overturn your business model overnight, but going forward step by step with a holistic vision, so that sustainability is not just a 'green' label applied for show, but a long-term commitment to a more respectful and less impactful form of fashion.



And for the September edition?


For the September edition, we will continue with 'EXPLORING SUSTAINABLE FASHION' and these themes, expanding the area and presenting, along with a conceptual-explanatory area, the collections of brands that have always had sustainability in their DNA.


An opportunity to bring them into direct contact with the national and international buyers attending the exhibition.

Looking forward to the next edition, browse our blog: snippets of sustainability to disseminate and support a new way of interpreting fashion.