Metaverse, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and web3: new technologies at the service of fashion

Milano Fashion&Jewels

14* - 17 September 2024
(*Saturday by invitation only)

fieramilano, Rho


Metaverse, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and web3: new technologies at the service of fashion

A look into the future with Homi Fashion&Jewels.

Metaverse, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, web3: the fashion industry is betting on digital technologies to reach new markets and innovate.


Virtual fashion shows, online marketplaces allowing a more immersive shopping experience, 3D printing applied to jewellery up to the sale of clothing and accessories only in the digital universe (Ralph Lauren, for example, sells avatar clothing, while Gucci partnered with Superplastic to create a limited series of digital collection sculptures): these are only some of the possible applications of the Internet of the future, intelligent environments that might seem like science fiction, but are much closer to us than we think. 


Homi Fashion&Jewels, which has always been a hub of innovation and a receptacle of ideas, chose to dedicate its Inaugural Conference to these new technologies, explaining their possible developments in the fashion world and recounting their incredible potential. The talk involved four authoritative voices in the industry: Gloria Maria Cappelletti (Creative Director and Editorial Director of RED-EYE Metazine, as well as Advisor and Partner of lablaco's Circular Fashion System), Alba Cappellieri (Professor at the Department of Design of the Milan Politecnico and Director of the Jewellery Museum in Vicenza), Israeli designer Ayala Bar, and journalist Carlo Antonelli.


A moment of growth and professional enrichment for those who work in the sector, a glimpse of a future to which we will soon become accustomed and from which we will derive incredible opportunities.


But that's not all. the themes linked to innovation and the most technological solutions are so central and important that in the recent February edition they were also the protagonists of the Design Direction space, the innovative multimedia pathway that HOMI Fashion & Jewels Exhibition realises in cooperation with Polidesign, to offer ideas and suggestions on the trends of the future.  Among the two macro-trends presented, SUPERCRAFT, a trend that investigates the potential of craftsmanship in a contemporary guise or in the fusion with the languages of the most advanced technologies, to give life to new forms of expression, with a very careful look at the "technology" element within processes and materials.