Milano Fashion&Jewels

22-25 February 2025
fieramilano, Rho

DESIGN DIRECTIONS - Fashion Forecast 2026

The multimedia trail realised in collaboration with Poli.Design also for the February 2025 edition: indications, ideas and food for thought on the evolution of trends and contemporary costume in the coming years.



To discover, learn, investigate and be surprised by the trends of the near future, there is only one address: Design Directions, the multimedia space that was hosted within Milano Fashion&Jewels and born from the renewed collaboration with Poli.Design. An area where the investigation of shapes and materials is combined with indications, ideas and food for thought to compose the guidelines to follow in order to identify the evolution of trends and contemporary costume.


Design Directions is an immersive journey which, thanks to the richness and liveliness of its contents that compose it, has allowed us to outline the guidelines for fashion jewelery and accessories for the next two years.


A fundamental tool for companies and designers who were thus able to deal, ideally, with future scenarios, with the aim of being increasingly competitive on the market and in line with the needs of the consumer to come.




Discover the Fashion Trends 2026 seen in the latest edition: here are the two macro-trends


A trend that embraces the beauty of the essential, aimed at a young audience that loves timelessness and expressive simplicity. Their choices, from the places they spend time to the photos they take, reflect beauty in the simplest and most authentic details. The trend is expressed through essential colours like black and white, together with blocks of primary colours. In shape, minimalism is favoured over excess, straight lines to curves, plus tone-on-tone details, promoting simplicity.


This trend is dedicated to contemporary princesses: rebellious and independent, but sweet and adorable. They love life’s pleasures, attractive details and bright colours. They are passionate about art, streetstyle and love rediscovering techniques and aesthetics from other times. Strength and lightness come together in a continuous play of formal and chromatic details. This duality creates surprising, unexpected new solutions, where rather than one excluding the other, they complement one another.

"DESIGN DIRECTIONS - Fashion Forecast draws the guidelines for the next two years for fashion jewellery and accessories. Research that not only investigates materials and shapes but defines design directions to interpret scenarios into products capable of expressing their DNA according to formal, material and technical customisation. They are real guidelines that Milano Fashion&Jewels offers companies and designers to intercept markets and become competitive. "



ALBA CAPPELLIERI, Full Professor of "Jewellery and Fashion Accessory Design" at Politecnico di Milano



Fashion accessories trends are constantly transforming, influenced by the context in which we live and the eclectic creativity of designers: Fashion&Jewels since 2020 has been closely exploring trends to understand the evolution of consumer behavior.