TALK: Towards the concept store

Milano Fashion&Jewels

22-25 February 2025
fieramilano, Rho


Towards the Concept Store: From Point of Sale to Relational Environment

Monday 19 February 2024

h  4.30 pm  | FASHION HUB Hall 10



The talk "Towards the Concept Store: From Point of Sale to Relational Environment" explores the evolution of retail stores and the shift from simple points of sale to broader and more relational contexts. By examining emerging trends in the retail industry, the presentation will focus on how concept stores are transforming the shopping experience, embracing a more holistic approach and fostering interaction with customers. Successful case studies and winning strategies will be examined to create an environment that goes beyond commercial transactions, establishing meaningful connections with the audience.

Serena Rizzi

After studying Languages and working for 18 years in Trade Marketing and later Visual Merchandising, in 2017, Serena left her position as Visual Merchandising Manager at a multinational company to pursue her project "Prospettive Creative Retail Studio." The mission of this project is to guide retail stores and companies towards the development and implementation of a comprehensive 360° Visual Merchandising strategy through consultancy, coaching, and training. Currently, Serena is delving into topics related to environmental psychology and the role of new technologies in the Retail sector. Her goal is to assist companies and retailers in navigating this revolution in shopping experience towards a multichannel and multisensory purchasing experience.